We’re engineering
led and people first.

We are a collective of technology, strategy, and design specialists, working together towards delivering exceptional results for our clients.

We’re engineering
led and people first.

We’re engineering led
and people first.

We are a collective of technology, strategy, and design specialists, working together towards delivering exceptional results for our clients.

Average CVR


Total Client GMV


Projects Launched


Employee Retention Years



Average Conversion Rate


Total Client GMV

Average Conversion Rate


Projects Launched


Total Client GMV


Employee Retention Years





Average Conversion Rate

Average Conversion Rate




Total Client GMV

Total Client GMV





Projects Launched

Projects Launched




Employee Retention Years

Employee Retention Years


DotCollective's culture is built on trust and autonomy. We're given the freedom to innovate and make decisions, which leads to better solutions and happier developers.

Matthew Styzinski

Full Stack Engineer

Our core pillars shape the way we do business.


Our team and internal processes are tightly integrated to deliver the best results. We work as an extension of our clients' teams, getting to know their business inside out. This close partnership helps us provide tailored solutions and achieve shared goals efficiently.


Individually, we are specialists in development, design, and strategy. Together, we are market leaders in ecommerce, in-store POS, websites, and custom apps. Our in-depth retail knowledge is the reason we are the first and only agency partner for NewStore and the leading Shopify POS partner.


We pride ourselves on being flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing digital landscape. We adjust our services to market opportunities and avoid locked-in retainers. Our flexible billing model with pre-paid packs allows organisations to prioritise their budget during growth or lean times.

DotCollective's culture is built on trust and autonomy. We're given the freedom to innovate and make decisions, which leads to better solutions and happier developers.

Matthew Styzinski

Full Stack Engineer

Our key to success is creating a supportive culture for our team to thrive in.

Remote Working

At DotCollective, work fits into life. We've structured our teams and processes so that everyone can work in a way that best suits them, whether that's at home, on the move or from our great fitzroy office space.

Our Product Manager Sam working remote from Bali.

Culture Initiatives

Our company wide quarterly culture days provide everyone a chance to fly in, work together for the day, head out for dinner and enjoy the night on us.

Our design team at the NGV Bowery Ball & our DotCollective Christmas Dinner.

World's Best Tech

We tackle complex client problems head-on, leaving no stone unturned. Leveraging our extensive experience and proven methods, we constantly push the boundaries to uncover innovative and superior solutions that drive excellence. We work with custom headless stores, 2.0 themes, Apparel21 integrations, system and platform integrations, data migrations and more.

Learning & Development

You'll always be on the path of continuous growth and evolution. We wholeheartedly invest in our people, offering fast-tracked learning, valuable mentorship, and hands-on experience in real-world production.

Mentorship program session being run by our UX Designer Dave.

Flexible Culture & People Policies

We prioritise a healthy work-life balance, with balanced hours and time off to prevent burnout. Refresh your mind with diverse tasks and enjoy unparalleled leave flexibility, including extended 3-month leaves for transformative journeys or family visits.

We focus on empowering every caregiver to prioritise their family while fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.  This extends to our parental leave policy, where employees who are primary carers receive 14 weeks leave or 28 weeks at half pay. Secondary carers also receive 6 weeks or 12 weeks at half pay.

Our founder Brendon and his son.

Keen to join the Collective?

Keen to join the Collective?

Keen to join the Collective?